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Friday, July 3, 2020

Lighthouse on the South Coast

Lighthouse focal point
Lighthouse as a focal point

The lighthouse has always been my favorite object. Its presence on the coast is very attractive and hence has always been the main focus point. Although, I feel discomfort of heights, but it does not hinder my admiration. Seeing the tower rise high from a distance is quite enough to satisfy my passion on that unique building. It always gives a wonderful feeling, something is ineffable and spark an abundant imagination.
The lighthouse on the South Coast is one of the important navigation signs. ‘He’ stands firmly on the seafront facing the vast Indian ocean with huge and violent waves. ‘He’ sleeps all daylight and unconsciously becomes a playground for children. But then stretches and awakes just at the moment the dusk is dim, and starts working when its scintillation light glows at night as if sending a message: Just go away, here is the place whose huge waves that could swallow you without mercy ....!

lighthouse slipped behind green trees
The lighthouse slipped behind the green trees
From a distance this lighthouse popped up from behind the verdant trees, it makes me curious and want to approach it. I don't know what the exact height is. But, I think it's quite high about eight or ten floors and maybe even more, because it always looks soar high and most attract people to pay attention, really far above the tops of the surrounding trees.
One time, I venture to come and even enter it. Climbing hundreds of stairs in a circle around to reach the top. Before being on the highest peak, I arrive at the highest level room. There is a vertical staircase going up to the lamp chamber. I decide to take a chance to go, as I said before, actually I was afraid of heights. But, now my curiosity is unstoppable, because I eager to know about the lamp chamber on top of the tower.

This lighthouse towered over trees
This lighthouse towered over the trees

Finally, I make it to the top of the tower. I am very relieved, and I can also see that big lamp. From the top with a height of dozens of meters, it feels more windy and we can see the great panorama of the blue ocean in the southern. While in the mainland area, I can see the sand hills, meadows and the green trees or various plants as typical of the coastal vegetation that appear to dominate.

below lighthouse
Just below the lighthouse

 Being above such height, as well as a struggle to the top which finally paid off. I celebrate by spending some time enjoying it .... So that I can go down the stairs with the feeling full of joy, relieved and satisfied. However, my story does not end here ... The lighthouse has inspired me and stimulated my imagination to paint it on canvas. I really desire to do that ....
But, I do not imagine to paint it from the mainland side. I want it as if I am in the middle of a tremendous sea wave, and I look against the land while recording a lighthouse figure as a focal point. I want to let my imagination free, that the blue sea and the sky above are in the same condition: looked turbulent! Meanwhile the sky is very colorful and I expose it with a combination of blue, green, yellow, orange to red.
View lighthouse from mainland
View of the lighthouse from the mainland

My art painting, lighthouse on south coast
Size and media:
70 x 90 cm
Oil on Canvas

In the matter of style (you can read: My Personal Views on Fine Arts), I truly feel the freedom to be creative. It means that my painting will not be exactly the same as its appearance in reality. I deliberately make the color choice becomes somewhat 'wild'. And rough brush strokes make the colored sky seems turbulent. I do not paint in a realist-photographic style, which is more calm, gentle and romantic. On the contrary, I choose the other way. I want to show something completely different. In fact, I have actually succeeded in capturing turmoil in the ocean. I strengthen it. Indeed, there is a contrasting situation here, because the mainland area is really calm.
Finally, the painting entirely shows turbulence both in the water and the sky. There is a burning passion and I really find full freedom to express ..., and the turbulent sea or sky tells that it is a direct illustration of a blazing spirit. It represents enthusiasm and a high spirit to keep survive living in the hard life!

This property is sold in Nft, please check out ‘LotSC’: OpenSea

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