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Saturday, July 4, 2020

When the River is Moved to my Canvas

Having headwaters at the foot of a very active volcanic mountain, the 'Code' river has experienced severe flooding for several times. The inhabitants call it as cold lava flood. Cold lava material comes from the frequently erupted volcano, where in the rainy season the material drifts from the upstream to downstream areas. When there is a heavy rain that caused disasters, such a large overflow of water is able to carry materials of sand and stones (from gravel to big stones) to downstream.
Although the natural phenomena occur at certain times inflict a financial loss, destructive, and can even take lives, at normal times the materials such as sand, gravel and stone turn out to be a great blessing. The stuff is high quality building materials which have economic value.
In the downstream area, river water flows through urban areas. Right at this spot I was documenting several riverbank areas. It is clearly seen in the pictures that the area is very densely populated, so that the settlement even becomes very close to the river's water level. From an environmental point of view, riverbank is not recommended and even prohibited for dwellings.  However, socio-economic complications that have occurred for a very long time, causing this area to be a very dense settlement nowadays.

dense settlement driver
Dense settlement by the river

 In another spot, the complexity of dense settlement causes the construction of houses are built vertically up on the slope of the cliff. This is getting worse by the heavy traffic on the bridge. Even at a certain point, above the bridge for vehicles, there is also a double track bridge for train. Maybe, that is the most complicated part in the river.

The train crosses over the bridge
The train crosses over the bridge for vehicles below it

However, many people see this kind of complexity from another side. They positively regard this uniqueness as a valuable advantage. Of course, they observe it in terms of photography ideas. The view of the river below the dense settlement on slope of the cliff is considered as an object of artistic value. No wonder that many people documented it, especially in the era of digital photography like today where the technology have made it very easy for almost everyone to record everything and all events on all occasions.
Yet, I have even more of interest, I have a better idea to move the beauty of ‘Code’ river onto canvas. Anyway, I see it as an extraordinary object for an art painting. And in this case, I always hold on to my principle of freedom of expression, so there are many distortions and biases which for me are common. Especially in giving character to the original image and then making it something new.
In terms of painting, I have never cared about a certain necessity in seeing objects as a reality (see: My Personal Views on Fine Arts), I free myself through the brush strokes and colors choice that I like into a completely new object on canvas.  On this 70 x 90 cm  canvas, I always talk about the burning passion and hope!

dwellings the slope of a cliff the riverbank
The dwellings at the slope of a cliff on the riverbank

new object river
The new object of the river


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